January 28, 2023




14 of the world’s best thinkers (and their best free content)

At a glance

Welcome to the new friends of the A Players newsletter who have joined us since last week!

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The Latticework is an application only, all-in community providing the most thoughtful approach I’ve seen to learning the big ideas from the big disciplines. I’ve been a member for 1 year and am now proud to offer my community priority access to join as well as a sneak preview of some of the key content. Head over using this link to check it out.

This Week: 14 of the world’s best thinkers (and their best free content)

Ray Kurzweil

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Technology trends & futurism

• Artificial Intelligence design & development

• Transhumanism


Brené Brown

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Courage

• Vulnerability

• Shame

• Empathy

Brené Brown

Keeping it awkward, brave, and kind.


Nassim Taleb

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Randomness

• Probability

• Uncertainty

Who Is Nassim Taleb? Antifragile Thinking for a Fat-Tailed World - Farnam Street

With the personal motto of “If you see fraud and don’t shout fraud, you are a fraud,” Nassim Taleb is not afraid of having the uncomfortable conversations. Here we share his mos...


Naval Ravikant

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Practical, modern day philosophy

• Building personal wealth & leverage

• Startups & investing

The Angel Philosopher

The Angel Philosopher


Esther Perel

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Communication

• Relationships

• Sexuality

Esther Perel - Your Guide to Relational Intelligence

The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives. Navigate modern relationships through erotic intelligence, communication, connection, and more.


Tara Brach

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Meditation

• Emotional Healing

• Spiritual Awakening

Tara Brach - Meditation, Psychologist, Author, Teacher

Meditation, emotional healing, and spiritual awakening.


Diana Fleischman

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Evolutionary psychology

• Sentientism

Home | Diana S. Fleischman


Tyler Cowen

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Economics

• Politics

• History


Small Steps Toward A Much Better World


Maria Popova 

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Culture

• History

• Philosophy

The Marginalian

Marginalia on our search for meaning.


Balaji Srinivasan

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Healthcare

• Decentralisation

• Politics

Balaji Srinivasan

Balaji Srinivasan's personal blog. Formerly CTO of Coinbase and General Partner at a16z, @balajis is an investor and founder.


Rebecca Solnit

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Social change

• Nature

• Feminism


Josh Wolfe 

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Physical and life sciences

• Frontier technologies

• Investing

All Articles & Essays by Josh Wolfe

Here's every essay, podcast, tweet, and video by Josh Wolfe. Josh Wolfe is co-founder and managing partner at Lux Capital, a venture capital based in New Yor...


Scott Alexander

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Science

• Medicine

• Philosophy

• Politics

• Futurism

Astral Codex Ten | Scott Alexander | Substack

P(A|B) = [P(A)*P(B|A)]/P(B), all the rest is commentary. Click to read Astral Codex Ten, by Scott Alexander, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of readers.


Helen Thompson

Main areas of thought leadership:

• Geopolitics,

• Energy

• Monetary policy


There you have it, 14 of the world’s best thinkers (and their best free content)

I hope you found these as helpful as I have.

Stay curious,


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Are you a software developer? Join my application only community with top companies recruiting for developer roles. It's free and you can stay completely anonymous. Find a Job
  2. Looking to grow or get more exposure on your brand? Showcase your business to 14,000 people inside this newsletter.

🔗 Favourite links of the week 🔗

  1. Listening, really listening, is a rare superpower. 
  2. Scott Williams: Listening
  3. The Art of Becoming a Better Listener — Tactical Advice for the Startup Setting

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See you again next week!

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