March 25, 2023




10 Free Chrome Extensions To Accelerate Your Productivity

At a glance

Welcome to the new friends of the A Players newsletter who have joined us since last week!

An exciting personal announcement:

Alongside my Cousin, Casey, and close friend, Isaac, we've created a new AI Media brand called Koalapalooza. We'll be sharing the highest signal news, tools, ideas, and more in AI. All in 5-minutes or less daily. Overtime, we'll be producing more content to demystify and make AI more accessible to non-technical folks. 

If you're interested to check it out, you can sign-up here

This Week: 10 Free Chrome Extensions To Accelerate Your Productivity

Tutorial generator everyone needs for teaching people how to use any website/app/tool.

Click record.

Do the thing.


Auto-generated step-by-step guide for the thing you just did.

Beats taking screenshots and pasting into docs all day long. (partner)

The world’s first AI-powered journal!

It makes thinking with mental models and frameworks actionable through structured writing templates and intelligent chatbots.

Mindsera smart analysis generates an original artwork based on your writing, measures your emotional state, reflects on your personality, and gives personalised suggestions to help you improve.

Try the copilot for the mind here.

Momentum has been my longest-standing chrome extension—it turns your New Tab page into a focused, productive dashboard.


• Save links

• Choose powerful quotes

• View beautiful scenery daily

• Have your to-do list readily available

Wordtune is an AI-powered writing tool that understands what you’re trying to say, and suggests ways to make your writing more clear, compelling, and authentic.

It helps:

• Reduce editing time

• Write confidently

• Expand vocabulary

• Write clearly

So, it turns out there's a brain hack to increase reading speed just by changing how text is presented.

The enhanced version is called bionic text.

And Bionic Reading is the world’s first bionic reading chrome extension.

Toucan is your best friend for learning a new language efficiently.

It turns words in your browser into a language of your choice, helping you pick them up in your natural browsing activities.

Friction to learning new languages = removed.

Print Friendly removes ads, navigation and junk on any web page, allowing you to print clean.

You can also:

• Click-to-delete specific content

• Remove individual images

• Change font sizes

• Generate PDFs

If you’re like me and have 3,000 tabs open at once, Toby is for you.

It levels up your browser by organizing your tabs— so you can access key resources in one-click instead of seven.

Use tags, make collections or save a whole session in just one-click.

Waldo is like Google search on steroids.

Its promise?

Halve your research time, using the best curated sources online.

It deep scans each search result to pull out useful ideas or relevant data in an easily skimmable, searchable format.

A web scraper that's fast, free & requires no coding or signup.

Designed to run locally in your browser, you can scrape into Airtable, Zapier, G Sheets & more with 1 click.

You can even create automated scraping recipes and turn them into APIs.

Online stores send thousands of deal emails per day.

Checkmate collects them for you and automatically applies them while you shop to save $$.

It works on mobile and web, and has more public codes than any other online savings tool.

Checkmate. (partner)

Do you care about company performance?

Mostly metrics is a free business newsletter about operating metrics and monetization models.

It’s written by a tech CFO and read by +20,000 financial analysts, startup operators, and VCs. Join free here.

There you have it, 10 free Chrome extensions.

I hope you found these as helpful as I have.

Stay curious,


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Interested in becoming a multidisciplinary thinker? The Latticework is an application only, all-in community providing the most thoughtful approach I’ve seen to learning the big ideas from the big disciplines. I’ve been a member for 1 year and am now proud to offer my community priority access to join as well as a sneak preview of some of the key content. Head over using this link to check it out.
  2. Are you a software developer? Join my application only community with top companies recruiting for developer roles. It's free and you can stay completely anonymous. Find a Job
  3. Looking to grow or get more exposure on your brand? Showcase your business to 25,000 people inside this newsletter.

🔗 Favourite links of the week 🔗

  1. Business writing 101
  2. The Ultimate Guide to Writing Online
  3. On writing better

See you again next week!

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